No fake love is a requirement and negative energy is unacceptable. It's does not take weeks to figure out if you want to invest your time with someone. So the Segue I just set up leads to me saying if your not interested in a simple meet or your if your not a consistent person, I am not interested at all. Okay so a quick synopsis about myself. Saying that I'm a sports fanatic might just be a understatement but hey, that's my niche. My personality is all about living in the present and controlling the things that I can handle. If I ever meet you, you'll probably get the impression that I'm One of the most optimistic person(s) you've ever been around. I have a phaletral of hobbies I like, can save that for conersation. Well I'm tired of writing about myself but I do have a question for you if you made it this far lol. What is something that you could give a 40 minute presentation on without any preparation? Who cares to answer, it's a really deep question. First impression are everything, who's up for the challenge?